369 Manifestation Method: How to Write, How Long to Write

A woman journaling at night, surrounded by glowing numbers 3, 6, and 9, symbolizing the 369 manifestation method.

When Nikola Tesla used to do many experiments, he put a lot of importance on 3 numbers, and when people implemented it, excellent results also came. That is why this 369 manifestation technique is very popular in today’s time. 

Manifestation is all about desire, belief, and consistency. When we talk about 369 manifestation, you often wonder — “How many days should I write?” Should you do this for 21 days, 33 days, or 45 days?

What is the 369 Manifestation Method?

The 369 Manifestation Method was first started by Nikola Tesla. During his experiments, Tesla gave a lot of importance to the numbers 3, 6, and 9. There is a lot of science and physics behind why he did this. 

More importantly, whenever he conducted experiments, he used these three numbers and tested his results through them. This is why Tesla was so successful in his experiments; he always kept these three numbers with him.

How Many Days to Write for 369 Manifestation?

The choice is completely yours — 21 days, 33 days, or 45 days. If you are truly passionate about your desire, you may want to commit for the full 45 days. But what if your manifestation actually starts coming true within just 10 days? Should you stop writing then?

No. Don’t stop.

Think of it like watering a plant — the moment the plant starts bearing fruits, you don’t stop watering it halfway, right? You continue nurturing it for the whole season. That’s exactly how you treat your manifestation practice — stick to the full number of days you choose, no matter what.

What Happens if You Miss a Day in 369 Practice?

Now let’s talk about what happens if you miss a day or two. If you truly desire something, you won’t forget to write about it. But if you start strong for 3 days and then miss a few, forget to carry your diary, or skip some sessions — what should you do?

Start again.

It simply means your desire wasn’t strong enough. Before you start your 369 practice, make your intention crystal clear. Are you committing for 45 days? Or is it 33 days? Or 21 days? Whatever you decide, stick to it and ask the Universe to support you.

When your intention is clear, your actions automatically become clear and consistent.

How to Apply the 369 Manifestation Method?

This is a technique in which you must write your life’s affirmation. What are your dreams in life? What do you want in life? Ultimately, they have to be written down. So we also need to understand how to write affirmations. It is also very important.

1. Write in the Present Tense

Affirmations are always written as if they are already in our lives. I’ve already achieved those things. For example, if I want to achieve something, like getting a job, finding a life partner, or improving my health, I would write that affirmation as if it is already in my life.

Like I’ve already got that job, like that life partner is already living with me, or as if I am already feeling very good in my health. With this thought, you write the affirmation. For instance, if you want a job, you can write, “Thank you, God. I got my dream job. Thank you.”

2.  Be Specific with Your Affirmations

Now you can also add your company name here. How much salary package do you want? You can add that too. For example, you can say, “Thank you, God. I have received the offer letter from (company name), with an annual package of 10 lakh. Thank you.”

3. Keep It Simple

Now you can also write a small, simple affirmation and use this affirmation everywhere as well. It can be implemented in other parts of life as well.

Adopting the same affirmation style, writing affirmations, and keeping them very simple is very important.

So, there is one thing about affirmations. If we talk about life partners or jobs, affirmations should be made in the same way for other things. It is very important to be very simple.

4. Emotional Connection

Apart from this, what is necessary? In addition, it is necessary to consider your feelings and emotions when you’re writing that affirmation.

Many times, people make this common mistake: they write affirmations, but they do it mechanically. Here, people miss the point.

When you are writing it, your feelings and emotions should match as if you have already achieved that thing. So, how would you feel on the inside?

Feeling this emotion plays a very important role in any affirmation, manifestation, or Law of Attraction technique. How you are feeling makes you feel just like that thing you desire already.

5. Daily Writing Practice

  • Morning: Write your affirmation three times.
  • Afternoon: Write it six times.
  • Night: Write it nine times.

Do this for a minimum of 45 days. If you miss a day, you have to start over from day one.

6. Consistency and Focus on One Desire

While adopting this technique, focus on one dream or manifestation at a time. Do not mix multiple affirmations. Keep only one dream and one manifestation in the process, doing it consistently for 45 days without any changes or modifications. This ensures there are no breaks in the process.

Why Writing By Hand Matters

First of all, you will need a proper diary in which you will write. You can’t write on an iPad or laptop. You have to use a diary — a physical notebook.

You can carry it with you in your bag if you want, but you cannot write on loose sheets — write today, tear it tomorrow, throw it away — no! You have to write in a dedicated notebook, with consistency and intention.

When we write on paper with a pen, the impact it creates is totally different. The reason is simple — all your five senses are getting involved when you write with your hand.

On a laptop or phone, your fingers are not actually writing the statement — they are just pressing keys on a keypad. That’s why handwritten affirmations have far more powerful energy. They connect your mind, body, and intention directly with the Universe.

17-Second Rule: Your Secret Power

While writing, give your words at least 17 seconds of pure, uninterrupted attention. No TV in the background. No distractions. No scrolling through your phone.

Sit peacefully and write with full focus. Morning and afternoon might be easier, but nighttime can get noisy. If that happens, pick up your diary just before sleeping, sit calmly, and write.

And while writing, don’t just write mechanically. Visualize it happening. Feel it coming true. Try to imagine how you would feel if this became real right now. That feeling — that inner excitement — is the real magnet that pulls your manifestation closer to you.

Angel Numbers — 369

If you happen to see any of these angel numbers — 369, 639, 936 — then you should definitely do this practice. Because you have already entered into a higher frequency.

And when we start doing this method, and we hold one thought for 17 seconds — for 17 seconds we live inside that thought, we visualize it, we feel it, we write it — then as a result, we achieve a completely different level in our life energetically.

And this is the principle — the Abraham Hicks principle.


If you follow these guidelines or the Law of Attraction in your life and implement the 369 Technique in Manifestation, I can say with confidence that it will help you a lot in life.

Adopting this technique is also very easy to understand, so you can adopt it easily. You can implement it, and you just have to be consistent.

You have to write with emotion, and I am sure: that may all your dreams come true by adopting this technique. 

Write it, feel it, trust it, and receive it. The Universe is always listening, and your own words are shaping your reality.



My goal with this blog is to share my knowledge and experience with manifestation to inspire people on their own path to personal growth. Here, you'll find practical tips, methods, and how-tos—all aimed at helping you harness the incredible power of manifestation in your life.

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