888 Lions Gate Portal: Manifestation Day on 8 August

888 is the Lions Gate portal. People are missing out on the final eight. It’s very important because 2024, in numerology, is number eight.

That’s 888, meaning everything is amplified even further with a lot of abundance and infinite manifestations that may be coming your way if you know how to grab this opportunity portal properly.

So that’s what we’re going to break down in this post. We’re going to break down what exactly this 888 Lions Gate portal is, how it is going to affect us and our energies, anything we should be aware of, and just things we need to know to best navigate through it and manifest our dreams, goals, and desires.

What is 888 Lions Gate Portal?

On the 8th of August, the Lions Gate Portal opens. During this time, the Sun, Sirius star, and Earth come into alignment. The Sirius star is a spirituality star, and connected to it, we call the Sirius star a spiritual sun. Now, when all three come into alignment, the energy of the Sun, the energy of the Sirius star, and the Earth get ready to take in these energies to absorb and illuminate. We live on Earth, so we all get ready to receive it.

How long can we do this? 

Do we have to do it today? Do we have to do it on the 8th of August? Can we do it on the 9th or 10th? You can take advantage of this alignment until the 16th.

Why is this portal called the Lions Gate Portal? 

When this alignment happens, at that time the Sun is in Leo (sign). And what is the sign of Leo? It is the lion.

Rising Star of Sirius

This is the rising star of Sirius. So when it’s the rising star of Sirius, what have we got? We’ve got that it’s actually open already. That’s the thing; people think that the 888 portal only happens on the 8/8, but no.

From the 25th of July all the way through to August and past that, the portal is going to be open. It just so happens that 888 is going to be a lot more vibrant on that day, so please pay close attention to it.

Note it down now; it’s already open, so you’re going to start feeling a lot of these energies that I wrote about in this post.

Another thing as well, because it’s the peak of this Lion energy, that is how the Sun is positioned. So you’re going to feel a little more courageous than usual, a little bit more adventurous than usual.

You’re going to feel like certain dreams and goals that you maybe thought about a long time ago are going to come back, and you’re like, “Hey, it’s time to press on with this.” You’re going to get a bit of a kick to move you forward.

It’s going to illuminate a part of your soul, not just your physical body. Unlike the physical Sun, which illuminates your physical body, the Sun Sirius illuminates your soul.

It’s a beautiful time because it’s going to make you glow from the inside outwards. We all know that our inner world reflects on our outer world too, so it’s going to create a lot of big, big manifestations.

What should you do during the Lions Gate portal?

  1. Be Clear About Your Goals: Be clear about what you want to achieve. There are many ways to bring clarity. With a vision board, you can visually represent your goals very effectively, or you can write down your goals, which is also very powerful.
  1. Gratitude: Write a thank-you note to the universe for what you already have. By doing this, we can create more space for even more abundance to come into our lives. You can show gratitude by writing it down or by speaking gratitude affirmations. You can keep a gratitude journal where you write about the things you are grateful for every day.
  1. Visualization: Visualize your goal as if you’ve already achieved it. Feel the emotions of how you would feel when achieving it. What will you experience? Feel that too. By engaging our emotions and imagination, we send a powerful message to the universe about what we truly desire. Live your life in your visualization like you want to live in reality.
  1. Identify and Release Limiting Beliefs: Identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts that we adopt over time, like “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t deserve abundance,” or “This will never work for me.” These beliefs act as barriers, blocking the flow of abundance. We can change these beliefs with positive affirmations. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations like “I am worthy of abundance” or “I am open to receiving all the good the universe has to offer.”
  1. Take Inspired Action: If you are not taking action toward your goals to achieve them, then all the intention-setting and visualization will be a waste. Manifestation is not about wishful thinking, just sitting and thinking about the goal. Taking action toward it is crucial.
  1. Use Affirmations and Mantras: Use positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself aloud or silently. These affirmations will help to shape thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately our reality. With affirmations, we can reprogram our subconscious mind. They will help to replace negative thought patterns with positive ones. Mantras, on the other hand, are sacred sounds or words that are repeated to induce a state of meditation or to focus the mind. They can be used in conjunction with affirmations or on their own to create a vibrational shift within you.
  1. Trust the Universe: When you set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and take action, let go of the outcome, and trust the universe. You’ve done your part; now let the universe do its part. Don’t create resistance with doubts. Letting go of control is essential for manifestation.

Seven Things to Look Out for During the 888 Lions Gate

1. Open Up Energy Sensors

The first thing it’s going to do is open up our energy sensors. Some of you may know them as seven chakras, minor chakras also, and major chakras.

When those open up, what happens is our energy expands. When it expands, what happens is we connect closer to God, to Consciousness, to the Universe. We connect closer to that bigger thing.

So our energies will be more vibrant for sure. Our emotions will be a little bit higher than usual. We’re going to feel that connectivity, and we’re going to receive a lot more messages.

2. Cleansing and Clearing

The second thing you’re going to notice is when these things open up, it creates a lot of connection and raises the vibration. It starts cleansing our energies. When cleansing and clearing happen, sometimes we get emotional and we don’t know why.

You might find that you’re just crying more than usual. The reason behind that is because it’s amplifying your energies. When it’s amplifying your energies and the emotions come up, that’s the energy in motion coming up. If there’s darkness inside, if there’s upset, if there’s grief, if there are problems inside, it surfaces, and guess what?

It cleanses, and it’s a natural cause. The thing is, you don’t need to do anything; it will do that for you. It’s going to cleanse old energies. When it cleanses old energies, it clears space for new things to come in.

So don’t think it’s just amplifying your emotions and you’re feeling bad without knowing why. No, it’s time to let go. Start thinking about things you can let go of. Let go of old beliefs, let go of old situations that have happened—it’s the past now.

Let go of fears or doubts that no longer serve you. It’s time to let go. Once you have the courage, bring yourself that courage to connect with the Leo energy. Let those things go, knowing that when you let go, you let in. You clear space for new things to come in.

3. Truth of Your Soul

The third thing it’s going to do is illuminate the truth of your soul. What does that mean? We all have that authentic self that everybody talks about, but not many people actually know what that authentic self is because they get confused by their mind’s programming, who they think their identity is, and who they think their personality is.

But for you to really, truly enhance this situation and really know yourself better, don’t think you’ve got it all figured out. This week or these two weeks, don’t think—obviously, you’re not going to be able to not think—but think less. Stop trying to think, “What is my personal branding?”

Stop trying to think, “What is my identity?” Stop trying to think, “Who am I?” Instead, let go. Let go of trying to think who you are, and once you stop thinking about who you are, be who you are. When you stop thinking, you’re just being.

Ask yourself the question: which version of you makes you happiest? Who are you when you’re happiest, when you’re free, when you’re allowing yourself just to be yourself when you’re allowing yourself just to be whatever personality you want to be?

Speak the way you want to speak, walk the way you want to walk, look at people, or don’t look at people however you want.

What if you enhance this energy right now and find your true self by not thinking, instead just being? Being everything that feeds your soul makes you feel happy and light.

This is a very good reminder for us to do so because you’re going to find that when it illuminates the truth of your soul, your soul will then amplify into this physical reality that we live in.

You’re going to actually start encountering a lot of opportunities that lead you toward your soul’s purpose in this lifetime. You’re going to find that you’re fulfilling something that’s way greater than you, therefore manifesting miracles beyond your expectations.

So allow yourself to set your soul free. When you do that, you’ll start seeing a lot of things unfold and manifest, and it’s going to shock you. You’re going to be surprised.

4. The Rebirth of Our Spirit Energy

Now number four, it’s the rebirth of our spirit energy. This is what it’s going to do. The Sun Sirius shining on it is going to feel like a rebirth.

What I mean is some people think that’s good, but when you’re actually in the middle of it, sometimes it feels like, “Why do I feel like I’m not myself anymore?” Good. You’re not supposed to feel yourself right now.

You’re not supposed to feel like everything’s normal right now. You’re not supposed to feel like everything is in order right now. No, there’s going to be a bit of chaos because it’s chaos to order.

When you go through a rebirth, there’s going to be a bit of destruction, a bit of chaos, a bit of challenges here and there, a bit of unfamiliarity. It’s okay. It’s part of the journey.

Trust, have faith, and know that everything happens in divine timing and has its divine reason. Trust, keep moving forward.

5. Raise Our Level of Consciousness

Number five, what it’s going to do is raise our level of consciousness. It’s going to give us awakenings. We’re going to have big moments, like “I can’t believe it, I’ve been living the last five years of my life wrong.” You’re going to get big conscious shifts, which is huge for the whole planet because we’re all going to raise the level of consciousness on this planet.

6. Trust Intuition

We’re going to receive a lot of downloads and our intuition is going to feel a lot stronger. We’re going to receive messages. So what should we do in this instance? We should trust our intuition.

If you suddenly get an idea or suddenly get a download, it’s for you. You’re receiving from the Divine. Act upon it. Don’t waste it. Don’t just sit on it. No, do something about it.

Those concepts, those ideas—that idea for a business, for an investment, for a product, for a service, for going on an adventure, for trusting someone, for doing something, for taking some form of action—trust in it. It’s for you.

Trust your intuition during this time and it’s going to take you far. You’re going to receive a lot of messages. Don’t overthink it. Don’t try to go logical on it right now because it’s not going to be logical.

If you suddenly get an urge and feel like you really want to do it but it doesn’t make any sense, do it. It’s for you and it’s not supposed to make sense because it’s from the Divine. Our limited mind finds it very hard to make sense of things like that.

7. Energy Portal for Abundance

It’s a big energy portal for abundance. So what does this mean? Well, it means if you are into wealth and abundance, if you want to create more in that aspect, then it’s a big day to take action—take massive, massive, massive action.

Other than that, that’s the seven things you have to pay close attention to. The final thing is to invest in yourself. Take that time, sow seeds, invest in yourself, invest, put out, sow, and you shall reap. Rewards will come your way, and this is the 88 Lions Gate portal.

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