How to Manifest Money: My Personal Approach

Person meditating with symbols of wealth and a vision board, visualizing how to manifest money.

Everyone wants to grow financially because if we are financially good, 80 percent of our life’s problems will be solved. Then we can do a lot more in our lives. To manifest money, it is essential to remove any negative thoughts related to money from our minds.

Just remember one thing: making money is easy. Repeat that: making money is very easy. In this article, we will learn how to change our mindset and what methods we can use to manifest money.

1. The Mindset Shift: Understanding Abundance vs. Scarcity

Scarcity Mindset

A person with a scarcity mindset believes that no matter how hard they work, they will always fail.

People who give up quickly, those who look for excuses and comforting lies, are usually the ones with a scarcity mindset.

Scarcity is a fixed mindset in which a person continuously limits themselves to their failures and gets frustrated when things don’t go their way.

How It Blocks Financial Growth: A scarcity mindset is like a closed fist—you’re holding onto things tightly because you’re afraid of losing them. This can apply to many areas of life, including finances, resources, ideas, and even personal growth.

When you hold onto things too tightly, out of fear, you block new opportunities from entering your life. If you are hoarding your resources whether it’s money, skills, or ideas you limit your ability to grow.

This is the essence of a scarcity mindset. If God gives you something and your fist is closed, you’re not receiving it. This is exactly what scarcity is and how it blocks financial growth.

Signs of Scarcity Mindset:

  • Fear of Spending
  • Feeling Undeserving
  • Constant Worry About Money
  • Competitive Attitude
  • Hoarding Resources

Abundance Mindset

The abundance mindset is a mindset inherited by people working towards a goal despite many failures, setbacks, and lack of opportunities.

The abundance mindset, also known as the growth mindset, not only allows you to overcome your failures but also to outgrow them.

When you have a growth mindset, you’re always learning new things, you always have a positive approach to all sorts of issues and challenges, and most of all, you make the best out of everything.

Benefits of an Abundance Mindset: An abundance mindset is like an open hand. While you may risk losing some things, you are also open to receiving much more.

This mindset allows you to accept opportunities and abundance from the universe (or God, if you prefer), trusting that there will always be more.

Abundance Thinking:

  • There Will Always Be More
  • Generosity
  • Collaborative Efforts
  • Growth and Learning

2. Clarify Your Financial Goals

Set Clear, Specific Goals

Choose a clear end result. When we know exactly what we are manifesting, it is so much easier to do the techniques, to imagine it, to affirm it. But we have to know exactly what it is.

This is a mistake I see a lot of people making out there. They think they know what they want, but they’re not getting into the details of what that end result would be.

So if you want to manifest money, you want to know more than just that you want money or a certain amount of money. You really want to think about what you would be doing with that money if you had it.

Be Realistic but Ambitious

Don’t set such a big goal that you don’t even believe it can be achieved. Set a goal that makes you feel confident that you can achieve it. 

For example, if I want to manifest $10,000, but I don’t believe I can achieve it, then I would set a target of $5,000 or $8,000, something I believe I can reach. Belief is very important; it’s a crucial part of manifestation.

Why Visualizing Money in Detail is Essential

Visualize in detail for example all the things you would buy if you had unlimited money.

For me, it’s: I’d buy a home, I’d go on amazing vacations, I’d buy my dream car. I just would start listing out and thinking about all the things that I would purchase with this money.

This is something you want to do too. Ask yourself, “What exactly would I buy if I had this money?”

Doing this practice is so easy for you to do, it’s really fun to do, and it’s going to start to imprint your subconscious mind and change your self-concept, landing you in a sense of being more wealthy now. 

3. Visualization Techniques for Manifesting Money

Creative Visualization

Find a peaceful place and start visualizing your financial goals. Imagine yourself in the future, having already achieved what you want to manifest.

Think about everything in full detail how you will feel when you reach that goal, and what your emotions will be. Emotions are really important here.

Picture how your family will react, how you’ll tell your friends, and what their reactions will be. Visualize the entire scenario like it’s happening right now. The more detailed, the better.

Creating a Vision Board

Create a vision board that reflects your financial goals and place it somewhere you spend a lot of time, so it’s always in front of your eyes.

When you see it regularly, it keeps you motivated and focused on your goals. Include pictures, quotes, or anything that symbolizes wealth and financial success for you.

For example, if you dream of going on a luxurious vacation, add a few beautiful images of those places. The key is to make it personal and inspiring.


If you’re unsure where to start, simply write out how you visualize. While you’re visualizing, jot down every detail about what you saw regarding your future every emotion, every feeling but write it in the present tense, as if you’ve already achieved your goal. This makes it feel real and helps your mind align with the reality you’re trying to create.

 4. Using Affirmations to Attract Wealth

The Science Behind Affirmations 

When you repeat positive affirmations, you are rewiring your mind to focus on positive outcomes. This practice can reduce stress, increase confidence, and improve overall mental well-being. When you speak positive statements with belief, you naturally start acting in alignment with them.

Powerful Money Affirmations

  • Bob Proctor: “I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.”
  • Tony Robbins: “The more I give, the more I receive. Money is a tool for creating a better life.”
  • Louise Hay: “I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.”
  • Rhonda Byrne: “Wealth flows to me effortlessly and abundantly.”
  • Wayne Dyer: “I attract success and prosperity with all of my ideas.”

Tips for Writing Personalized Affirmations

You don’t need to use affirmations if you are not believing in that affirmation. You can use affirmations as an idea to make your own affirmations.

Make your own affirmations according to your goals, your circumstances, according your beliefs. If you don’t know how to write them, I wrote an article about how to make affirmations you can check that.

5. Releasing Limiting Beliefs About Money

Identifying Limiting Beliefs

Identifying Limiting Beliefs:  Some of the limiting beliefs we have heard since childhood are that money is evil, people who chase money are evil, you shouldn’t have passion for money, making money is hard, money doesn’t grow on trees and all that. Identify the Limiting Beliefs and stories you tell yourself that make you feel powerless concerning money.

How to overcome these beliefs

  1. Affirmations: The first way is by using affirmations. This means that you could try to eliminate any negative words that you have been using while talking to other people or with yourself regarding money and replace them with positive words.

For instance, do not say “It is hard to make money,” and rather use “It is easy to make money” or “I am a master at making money.”

Rhonda Byrne said that most people think, “Money will come to me through my salary or my work.” If they think this way, they are blocking the universe from bringing them unexpected money from everywhere. So, do affirmations that override that belief.

  1. Journaling: The second method is journaling. Write down positive things about money. By speaking and writing, the old negative limiting beliefs will gradually be removed from your mind.

6. Gratitude and its Role in Manifesting Money

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude shifts your focus from negative to positive, from lack to abundance. You start seeing the good in everything.

Gratitude shifts your mind from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. When you begin to be grateful for what you have, you start valuing it, and this signals to the universe that you are open to receiving more.

Daily Gratitude Practices

 Start journaling where you express gratitude for the money you already have, even if it’s just a little. Show gratitude for 3 or 4 things that you currently have, and then write in the present tense about the things you want to achieve. Writing in this way will help build your belief.

7. Money Manifestation Techniques

The 55×5 Method

Make affirmations according to your goal. For example, if you want $10,000, you can say, “Thank you universe for blessing me with $10,000.” Keep it short.

Keeping it short means that you will write it multiple times. If you use long affirmations, you will feel discouraged, and you won’t be able to finish them. You have to write this 55 times every day for 5 days.

The 2-Cup Method

You need two cups. Label one as the current reality and the second one as the abundant reality you desire.

Fill the first cup with water and transfer it to the second cup as your reality is changing. Drink the water from the second cup as you enter the new reality.

Journaling Exercises

Just like I wrote in the section about limiting beliefs, first, identify what your limiting beliefs are and then replace them with positive ones. You need to do the same in journaling.

Look at your limited beliefs about money and recognize what they are. Write questions like, “How do I feel about money?” or “What will my life look like when I have financial abundance?”

By journaling these questions, you will release the negative thoughts you have about money and create a new mindset.

8. My Way of Manifesting Money

The way I manifest is by believing that making money is very easy. I have many resources to earn money, and this belief is true. This is how I removed my limiting beliefs about money.

I set my first goal at $200. I started using affirmations and felt connected to them. For example, “I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.”

I show gratitude for all I have. I also visualized telling my friend that I had earned $200. Within 5 days, I got an online job that paid me $200. It was amazing because my account on the platform was new, and I didn’t have much experience, yet I still managed to get that work.

I keep my first goal small because it’s easier to manifest small goals. When a small goal is achieved, confidence grows, and there is belief that I can achieve the goal. If a big goal is set right away, it may lead to disappointment and a lack of belief. 

Remove limiting beliefs + Set first goal small + Use affirmations + Gratitude + Visualize


To manifest money, it is very important to change your mindset. Whatever thoughts you have about money, like money is hard to earn or loving money is a bad thing, change those thoughts.

Use affirmations. Replace whatever negative things you say with positive ones. Change your mindset in three ways: first, speak positive affirmations, second, write them down, and third, show gratitude for what you already have. Even if you don’t have much, or it’s only a little, still show gratitude. This is the easiest way to change your thoughts about money.

To manifest money, set a small goal today, like manifesting $100, and try to achieve it. When it manifests, be sure to comment in the comment box so that others can believe in it too, and they can also practice this.

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