SATS Manifestation: Neville Goddard’s Most Powerful Technique

Person peacefully sleeping with soft light waves flowing from their head, symbolizing visualization during the SATS manifestation method.

Today, we’ll discuss SATS manifestation, which stands for State Akin to Sleep, a powerful method introduced by Neville Goddard. Imagine that you can effortlessly achieve your desires in a sleepy state. Sounds too good to be true?

Let me show you how SATS can turn this dream into your reality. Through this, we can easily impress our subconscious mind and manifest anything fast. We’ll break down what SATS is, how to use it, and my experience with it, to guide you further.

What is SATS (State Akin to Sleep)?

First, let’s talk about what SATS is. State Akin to Sleep refers to entering a hypnotic, drowsy, relaxed state, or you can say getting your brain into the theta state. If I simplify it further, it’s a state where your conscious, analytical mind becomes less active, yet you have control over your thoughts to direct them in any desired direction.

This is the state in which we can easily access our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind readily accepts the suggestions we give because, in the theta state, our conscious mind—which normally interferes with our subconscious—becomes less active.

This allows our affirmations to reach the subconscious mind without obstruction. As a result, whatever we imagine or think about reaches the subconscious and is easily manifested. By entering the SATS state, we can effectively communicate with our subconscious mind, which helps us manifest our desires into reality.

Our brain operates with five brain waves: gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta. SATS is our theta state, which is like deep meditation or relaxation. In this state, the doorway to our subconscious mind begins to open.

Our subconscious mind becomes active; in children, this theta state dominates naturally for up to seven years, deeply impacting their lives as their experiences shape their future. 

How to Enter SATS for Effective Manifestation

1. Entering SATS Naturally

So first, let’s talk about when we enter this state naturally. This happens before sleeping, especially at night before bedtime, and right when we wake up in the morning. You may have noticed that both these times, we’re in a relaxed, drowsy state, and this state is magical.

If you can control your mind in this state, everything becomes possible for you. Now, what you need to do is, whenever you go to sleep at night, lie down on the bed at least 15 minutes earlier. Now, you need to close your eyes. You can do deep breathing to relax your mind, and now you need to imagine what you want to see in your reality, or you can also repeat affirmations. It’s all up to you.

Now, this state may not always come naturally to us, but there comes a time when we enter it naturally, or we can induce it at will. I’ll explain this in two parts.

One thing I always say is that visualization, affirmations, or any technique is just a tool that is used to induce feelings. Techniques don’t manifest, feelings manifest. The feeling is the secret,” Neville Goddard always says. You have to sleep with your feelings. Feelings are important. Now, what will happen is that your subconscious mind will easily register your desire as a present fact.

 You need to follow the same process in the morning as soon as you open your eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. Visualize, affirm, feel as if your wish is already yours, and feel lots of gratitude.

So far, your habit was to unconsciously enter SATS and fall asleep thinking about anything, with negativity from the day, fights, hurt, and then waking up with the same thoughts, which manifested in your life. But now, we need to be attentive. We need to be aware that we need to sleep with the same thoughts that we want to achieve.

Pro Tip: Avoid ending your day with negative thoughts. Replace them with your desired outcome to change what manifests in your life.

2. Entering SATS at Will

Now, let’s discuss how to enter SATS at your will. So, at any time during the day when you are free and in a good mood when you are feeling calm, remember not to do this when you are in pain or feeling distressed. Do it when you are feeling your best.

Sit on a chair or lie down on your bed, close your eyes, and start deep breathing until your body and mind feel relaxed. Slowly, as your mind becomes calmer, start imagining or repeating affirmations. Do this for 5-10 minutes in a loop.

You can do it as much as you want, but you have to do it with feelings. I usually do this after meditation because then we feel very relaxed, our thoughts become less, and that’s why we can quickly enter SATS. However, you can do it at any time; it’s up to you.

How to Use the SATS Manifestation Technique

The image depicts a serene scene of a girl peacefully sleeping, her face partially covered by a soft blanket. Overlaid on the image are two contrasting buttons, one labeled "Doubts" in the off position and the other labeled "Belief" in the on position. Text above the buttons reads "Sats manifestation," indicating a state of mindfulness or meditation.
Image source: Canva

It’s the right way, so whenever you use this technique, make sure to slow down your thinking process before sleeping. It’s essential to calm this monkey mind if you want to manifest; otherwise, you won’t be able to. Your mind will start visualizing something else while you’re still visualizing. You won’t even realize it.

That’s why meditation is essential and then sleep a little while placing your phone aside every night, or you can do deep breathing. I mean something that helps slow down your thoughts. After that, lie down on your bed, close your eyes, and start visualizing. You need to start with a small scene, just a few seconds long, and repeat it in a loop until you fall asleep.

The smaller and simpler you keep the scene, the quicker it will impress your subconscious. This scene could be anything—you’re receiving a text, checking your bank balance and seeing a lot of money, seeing yourself in perfect health, hearing some good news, or walking towards your dream. Include as much as you can in your visualization and feel it. It will work wonders for you, and you’ll be amazed.

1. It’s very important that you calm your mind before entering SATS. You can do this with deep breathing and mindfulness. Your thought process will slow down, which will help you enter a relaxed state that is perfect for manifesting.

2. When you’re about to fall asleep, start visualizing. The visualization should be short. The shorter the scene, the quicker it will impress the subconscious mind.

3. Play the scene in a loop. Repeating it in a loop will firmly embed it into your subconscious. The more repetitive the scene, the more powerful the manifestation.

4. Include your five senses in the visualization—like seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling. Including the five senses makes your visualization much more convincing to your subconscious.

5. Feel the scenes as if they are real to experience faster manifestation. Visualization alone won’t do much; you need to feel the emotions. Feel as if the scene is actually happening.

My Experience with SATS Manifestation

Whenever I tried to do it forcefully or put in a lot of effort, I would constantly wonder if I was doing it right or wrong, and I couldn’t manifest anything.

But one day, just for fun, I tried it while joking around, and I was completely relaxed and chill. I approached it with a light-hearted, playful attitude, letting go of attachment to the outcome.

With this relaxed and detached approach, my desire manifested very quickly, which surprised me. The key is that manifestation works when you do it with trust and ease.

I learned that detachment is very important. When you try too hard, you vibrate in a state of lack. So, stop desperately wanting so you can align with abundance and manifest effortlessly.

Remember, the more you force or chase, the more you push your desire away. Let go, trust the process, and allow the manifestation to come naturally.

So, I hope you understand what SATS manifestation is, and how to use it, and I hope you all will use it. Those who have already used it, please comment and share your results so that we can help each other. Let’s all believe in it and grow. And if you have any doubts or queries, you can comment.

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