Daily Affirmations for Anxiety Relief

Illustration of a person with headphones, eyes closed, and one hand on their chest, against a pink and purple background with decorative stars. The text reads, "Say No to Anxiety with Positive Affirmations" and "You are in control of your thoughts.

This is a great self-care practice to do each morning, even when you don’t feel anxious. If you’d like to track your practice, I recommend making a note of how anxious you feel each morning before you complete this exercise, using a scale of zero to 10, and seeing if there are any patterns to what impacts your rating over the course of the day. Adding affirmations for anxiety can further enhance the benefits of this practice.

As I share each affirmation for anxiety, I’d like you to repeat it for yourself. You can do this silently, write them down in a journal, record them, and listen, or say them out loud to yourself in a mirror. If you want to know how to create affirmations for yourself and how to practice them, you can read my other post, “What Are Affirmations.” Your mind believes what you tell it, and it can take five positive thoughts to counteract one negative thought.

Here are 22 positive affirmations for anxiety:

  1. I am now a rational empowered person.
  1. I clear all the ways I fear failure and success.
  1. I cleared all the ways I used to feel alienated.
  1. I remove all blockages to my inner healing now.
  1. Nothing can stop me from becoming the best version of myself anymore.
  1. I am supported and love this feeling.
  1. I no longer spend any time dwelling over the past.
  1. I clear all the ways I used to feel disconnected now.
  1. I am completely safe right now.
  1. I completely love and approve of myself.
  1. I rejoice in who I am.
  1. I am in love with myself.
  1. Throughout the day I am positive, rational, and optimistic and I see the good in everything.
  1. I clear all the ways I resist looking after myself.
  1. I am completely at home in my own body.
  1. No obstacle or challenge is bigger than me now.
  1. I accept every challenge from this moment on.
  1. Every day I wake up in the morning looking forward to the day.
  1. Nothing, nothing can stop me anymore from reaching my highest self.
  1. I love this world.
  1. I’m allowed to accept help from others.
  1. I am allowed to say no.

Affirmations for Health Anxiety

  1. I am safe.
  1. I entertain positive thoughts only.
  1. I float with my bodily feelings easily and effortlessly.
  1. It is completely safe to observe each and every feeling that arises.
  1. My fears are leaving me now and I say goodbye.
  1. My body is becoming balanced emotionally with every breath I take.
  1. I am finding it easier and easier to observe rather than react to feelings in my body.
  1. It is completely safe to let go of any emotions I’m holding on to now.
  1. My body has the greatest healing mechanism within it and it’s working now.
  1. I no longer need to turn to anyone for reassurance. I simply know I am safe.
  1. I surrender to my bodily feelings from this day forward.
  1. Healing is so natural for me starting today.
  1. As I love myself more, I know I am truly in good hands.
  1. I no longer make the mistake of thinking a feeling is unnatural. It’s natural.
  1. I see my bodily feelings now as a part of living and I am okay with that.
  1. Healing comes to me so easily when I’m in this state I’m in now.
  1. Being sensitized to my bodily feelings has no place in my life now.
  1. I fully and completely move with every feeling without questioning it anymore.
  1. I am comfortable with every bodily feeling that shows up now.
  1. I realize now that when I feel something, I no longer have to act on it if I don’t want to.
  1. I no longer fall victim to my bodily feelings. They are just feelings.
  1. These power affirmations are showing me the truth and that truth is that I am safe in my own skin.

Affirmations for Work Anxiety

  1. I am resilient, strong, and capable.
  1. I am becoming more peaceful and centered.
  1. I am patient with myself and my progress.
  1. I am responsible for my own well-being.
  1. I am creating a work-life that aligns with my needs.
  1. I am calm and focused on my tasks.
  1. I am committed to reducing stress and creating balance.
  1. I am making progress in all aspects of my work.
  1. I choose to focus on tasks I can control.
  1. I am deserving of breaks and rest.
  1. I have what it takes to overcome any obstacles.
  1. I am confident, competent, and achieving great things.
  1. I am reducing stress by staying organized and focused.
  1. I am capable of achieving a work-life balance.
  1. I am not defined by my stress.
  1. I am becoming better at managing stress every day.
  1. I handle pressure with grace.
  1. My ability to conquer challenges is limitless.
  1. I am creating a workspace of calm and productivity.
  1. I am worthy of success and balance.
  1. I am becoming better at managing my time and tasks.
  1. I choose to release any feelings of overwhelm.
  1. I have the strength to navigate through this.
  1. I am cultivating the habit of calmness.
  1. I handle my responsibilities with wisdom and love for myself.
  1. I have the power to remain calm in stressful situations.
  1. My peace is greater than any stress.

Affirmations for Social Anxiety

  1. I am safe.
  1. I am allowed to lose my words.
  1. I am allowed to say the wrong thing by accident.
  1. I don’t have to be funny.
  1. I don’t have to be liked.
  1. I am valid.
  1. I am allowed to be really quiet.
  1. I am allowed not to say anything at all if I don’t want to.
  1. It’s okay to feel.
  1. People judging you does not define you.
  1. People don’t think you’re boring.
  1. I am allowed to take my time.
  1. I deserve to feel safe.
  1. I deserve people’s attention.
  1. I am worthy of attention.
  1. I deserve to be seen.
  1. I deserve to be heard.
  1. It’s safe to be seen.
  1. It’s safe to be heard.
  1. It’s safe to not know things.
  1. It’s okay to not know things.
  1. It’s okay to get things wrong.
  1. It’s okay if you stutter.
  1. It’s okay if you can’t find your words.
  1. It’s okay.
  1. It’s okay to take your time.
  1. It’s okay to leave gaps.
  1. I deserve attention.
  1. I am worthy.
  1. I am worthy of love.
  1. I deserve to be here.
  1. I belong here.
  1. I am safe to relax.
  1. I am safe to breathe normally.
  1. Silence is okay.
  1. I am accepted.
  1. I am valued.
  1. I have something to share.
  1. I am liked.
  1. I am complete.
  1. I am whole.
  1. I have nothing to prove.
  1. I am important.
  1. I am amazing.
  1. I am unique.
  1. I am allowed here.
  1. I am safe.
  1. I deserve to feel calm.
  1. What people think does not matter.
  1. Don’t assume everyone is judging you at this moment and always.
  1. It’s okay to feel tired.
  1. It’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling.
  1. Every emotion is valid.

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