Empowering Affirmations for Men to Overcome Challenges

The man is in a victorious pose with his arms raised above his head. The text "Affirmations For Men" is at the top of the image, and below it, another text reads, "My hard work speaks louder than my words.

The purpose of these affirmations for men is to help you cultivate your inner alpha male. It’s time to transform into your most alpha state, starting with the mind first. Develop the skills necessary to strengthen your masculinity.

You may repeat the affirmations out loud or in your head in the short space following each affirmation, or simply listen along. Listen to these affirmations for men to discover your strengths, understand your mysterious self, and dominate life.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are closely related to mantras. Mantras are religious or mystical symbols or poems that are repeated or chanted during meditation.

The use of affirmations can be traced all the way back to ancient Eastern religions, and their effectiveness is, in fact, backed by modern neuroscience today.

So there’s a lot of evidence that affirmations do work.

How to Practice Affirmations

When we think about affirmations, there’s a lot of attractiveness to them; however, most people are not listening to or applying affirmations in the right way. Therefore, they are not getting the results that they desire and the results that they deserve.

Here’s how to practice affirmations:

  • Write it down. I prefer that you write it down rather than try to mentally remember it or bring it into a card with you. Write it down on a card and keep it in your wallet until you completely memorize this affirmation as you’re going through the day.
  • Repeat it upon waking up in the morning or just prior to going to bed. In my opinion, waking up in the morning and speaking the affirmation or mantra is most powerful. Prior to sleeping, listening to the affirmation over and over again is the most powerful to ingrain it in the subconscious mind.

Affirmations for Men with Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a basic feature of a healthy, joyous life, and many people suffer from a lack of it. I have written these affirmations for men to help recreate feelings of self-worth and self-love.

We can create peace, harmony, and balance in our minds, and when we do, we will find those qualities in our lives. This may seem to be a very tall order, yet the universe totally supports us in every thought we choose to think and believe.

Do you appreciate yourself as the valuable and precious being you truly are? Do you judge yourself as not good enough yet to deserve such praise?

These affirmations for men on self-esteem are lovingly designed to help you dissolve the subconscious barriers that prevent you from experiencing the joy, fulfillment, and wonder that are already present in you, just awaiting release.

  1. Confidence is my birthright.
  2. I am confident, strong, and powerful.
  3. I am enough.
  4. Other people compliment me on my self-confidence.
  5. I know how to relax and have a good time.
  6. My presence inspires others to do their best.
  7. My confidence is rock-solid.
  8. I am totally secure with myself.
  9. People are naturally attracted to me.
  10. I believe I can accomplish my goals.
  11. I feel dominant.
  12. I boldly approach every challenge.
  13. I am a force of nature.
  14. People respect my opinion.
  15. I like who I am.
  16. I am naturally fearless.
  17. I am strong.
  18. I am unbroken.
  19. My confidence speaks for itself.
  20. My hard work speaks louder than my words.
  21. People respect me for who I am.
  22. People find me interesting.
  23. People look up to me because I make them curious.
  24. I speak openly and honestly.
  25. I am unstoppable.

Affirmations for Men with Anxiety

Who has experienced anxiety? Anxiety is a common reaction to live events, like taking a final exam or speaking in front of a crowd. But when it becomes really uncomfortable and makes day-to-day life hard to live, then it’s a problem, or even what we call a disorder. 

I know, I’ve lived with anxiety for a long time. Some people have anxiety about really specific things, such as heights, snakes, spiders, or something else. 

These are called phobias, and when people avoid these things, the anxiety mostly stays away. But when people can’t avoid their phobias, that’s a real problem. Some people experience anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can make people really overwhelmed with anxiety. 

This anxiety can be overcome with affirmations. There are a lot of ways to overcome anxiety, but one way is to say out loud to ourselves these positive affirmations. If these affirmations are not working for you, you can get help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety.

  1. Anxiety might make me feel uncomfortable, but I am in charge of my mind and my body.
  2. With each deep breath I take, I am more and more calm.
  3. I attract positive energy into my body.
  4. I have the ability to overcome anxiety.
  5. I am going to be all right. I’m just going to relax and calm down, and everything will be fine.
  6. I know my feelings are not always rational, but everything will be fine.
  7. Anxiety is not dangerous, it’s just uncomfortable. I am fine.
  8. I have some feelings I don’t like, but they are temporary and will pass.
  9. Every time this happens, I become better at deflecting negative thoughts.
  10. I may feel anxiety right now, but so what? I will take some deep breaths and keep going.
  11. This is temporary and will pass.
  12. Once this is over, I’ll be glad that I did it.
  13. I have overcome anxiety before and I will overcome it now.
  14. I am gently turning away from old feelings and moving in a positive direction.
  15. Anxiety is an old habit that my body responds to. I am changing this habit.
  16. I feel a little bit of peace, and this peace will grow.
  17. Any anxiety or panic I feel will shrink and become smaller.
  18. At first, my anxiety was powerful and scary, but it became smaller and less scary over time.
  19. I am moving forward gently and nicely.
  20. I am positive and will always be positive.
  21. I have everything I need; the universe takes good care of me.
  22. It feels great to be positive.
  23. Every day I wake up positive.
  24. It’s easy and effortless to be positive.
  25. I am in a state of positivity.
  26. I am positive, prosperous, healthy, happy, and live in abundance.
  27. People love to be with me because I am so positive.
  28. My positivity rubs off on other people.
  29. I feel happy and positive every day.
  30. Every new day starts with feeling positive and happy; it’s full of joy and ends with contentment.
  31. My happiness and positivity are constants.
  32. “Be happy” is my motto. 
  33. Thinking positively is my second nature. It comes easy to me.
  34. Thinking positively about situations is natural to me.
  35. I am kind. I love it. I am happy.

Affirmations for Men with depression

If you’re feeling down or depressed at this time, give yourself a moment. We will use the power of words to bring awareness and relief. Let the words resonate with you. Bring to your heart those that resonate the strongest, and don’t worry if some sound off—just let them go. 

  1. I choose to love myself and take this moment for me.
  2. I believe in the power of words, the power of my breath, and the power of my heart.
  3. With each breath, I acknowledge the harsh judgments I sometimes have towards myself.
  4. With each breath, I acknowledge my inner child who only wants to be loved.
  5. I deserve love just like any other creature on this Earth.
  6. Even if my life sometimes loses its meaning, I choose to love myself here and now.
  7. Inside my heart, there is an unexplored ocean of love.
  8. I pay attention to my heart and my breath.
  9. My heart is strong and resilient, and my breath nourishes my heart.
  10. When I get lost, I love myself just the way I am.
  11. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
  12. I am resilient and can handle everything life throws at me.
  13. I have never cared, and will never worry about what others think of me.
  14. I remain calm in chaotic situations.
  15. I have no regrets, only scars that tell a story.
  16. I am stronger than I will ever know.

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