What Jim Carrey Said About Manifestation

In 1985, Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10 million check for 'acting services rendered' and dated it for Thanksgiving 1995.

Jim Carrey carried that check in his wallet for years, believing that one day it would come true.

He practiced positive thinking daily, visualizing his success and feeling the emotions of achieving his goals.

In 1994, Carrey’s belief became reality when he earned $10 million for his role in 'Dumb and Dumber.

Jim Carrey teaches us that staying true to your vision and maintaining faith in yourself are key to manifestation.

He encourages everyone to 'ask the universe' and visualize their success, regardless of their current circumstances.

Belief in oneself and in the power of the universe is crucial to turning dreams into reality.

Use Jim Carrey’s techniques: visualize, believe, and act as if your dreams have already come true.

Remember, 'You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.'