Full Moon Manifestation: the Power of the August 24 New Moon

Glowing super blue moon in the night sky with light trails, a person standing on a hill with arms outstretched, surrounded by swirling energy.

Today, we’ll discuss the Super Blue Full Moon on August 19. This unique full moon enhances our energy and helps us achieve our dreams faster. It’s a rare opportunity for the universe to assist us in reaching our goals and understanding its power can significantly improve our lives.

Preparing for the Super Blue Moon

The Blue Moon, most noticeable from August 18th to 21st, is the best time for making your wishes come true. It’s especially powerful on August 19th. This event boosts your goals, no matter your experience level. This guide will help you fully utilize this special time.

Remember, the energy of the Blue Moon will be at its strongest until August 21st. It’s a perfect opportunity to align with the universe and manifest your deepest desires.

Understanding the Super Blue Moon

A supermoon appears bigger and brighter because it’s closer to Earth, making it a stunning sight. The next Super Blue Moon is on August 19th, and there will be three more in September, October, and November. These special moons allow us to feel their strong cosmic energy more intensely because they’re closer to us.

What Makes This Blue Moon Special?

The August 19th event is extra special because it’s a Blue Moon, a rare occurrence where three full moons happen in a season with four. This is more significant than a regular monthly Blue Moon, which happens when two full moons appear in the same month.

Manifestation at Its Peak

This is also a time when manifesting is at its peak. If you’ve been setting intentions or working on manifesting your goals, the energy of this supermoon can act as a powerful catalyst to bring them to fruition. Get clear on what you want and be open to receiving it.

4 Things to Let Go off on This Full Moon

  1. Relationships: Intimate relationships, like those involving your love interest, where you are facing major issues in your love life.
  1. Failure: When something is going really well, like your business, but despite all your efforts, it seems to be turning into a failure.
  1. Regretting the Past: Certain mistakes you’ve made that you keep regretting over and over again—like every other day, you find yourself dwelling on old thoughts that repeatedly trigger you, leaving you wondering why these old situations keep resurfacing in your mind.
  1. Past Events That Disturbed You: Events that have recently occurred in your life but have deeply disturbed you, making it difficult for you to get back to feeling normal.

If you’re connecting with any of these areas and they’re causing you distress, it’s very important for you to perform this ritual during this full moon.

5 Things You Need to Know About the August Super Full Moon

The August Super Full Moon brings a powerfully activating energy. In this post, we’ll dive into five key things you need to know about this energy.

1. Awareness: The Super Full Moon is essentially an amplified full moon energy. It reflects and reveals something we’re meant to become conscious of. To receive what this time has to reveal to you, awareness is key.

      Specifically, become aware of what you’re harvesting—what is manifesting in your life right now? What is your life experience like? Recognize that seeds you planted in the spring, or even further back, are manifesting as your current experience.

      Ask yourself if your reality reflects the inner desire, the call of your soul, or if there’s some vibrational mismatch. Are you out of resonance with what you truly desire and yearn for in life? Awareness is the first step in calling forth transformation.

      Get clear around this full moon; the energy supports you in recognizing where you’re living in alignment with what you truly desire. Lean into that with gratitude and appreciation, which helps you manifest even more.

      Where you’re out of alignment, accept that what you don’t appreciate about your reality is also your creation. Not from a place of judgment, but from a place of power. This realization means that, from where you are right now, you can create powerful transformation by seeding new dreams into reality.

      2. A Powerful Gateway for Higher Consciousness: The second thing, which is around this full moon, is that there is a powerful gateway opening—a powerful access point for higher consciousness and higher divine intelligence.

      You’re able to access this by clearing and focusing your mind, dropping into your heart, opening into love and gratitude, and letting your awareness lift to receive from above.

      Let the light pour in to unlock and reveal a new level of revelation from your soul, from the Divine, from your higher self, as to what is really possible for you now in this life and in this divine timeline you’re beginning to align with and resonate with.

      There’s an opportunity to receive a bigger vision—an inspiring vision for that long-term goal, your North Star, as I often call it. Gain clarity and insight about that, not from the level of your ego or even your personality self, but through meditation, by going within, and by accessing the higher level of divine consciousness, cosmic light codes, and cosmic consciousness pouring in to expand, open, and perceive beyond the ordinary mental consciousness what is available to you.

      So, on and around this full moon, give yourself the freedom to dream big, to let go of those thoughts, doubts, or lower patterns that try to restrict you, block you in, keep you small, and keep you safe from the dangers of change.

      Let yourself expand into the vision of what’s truly possible for you in terms of thriving abundantly, joyfully, and radiantly in this life. A big piece of this is how you can serve in the world in a way that you love and enjoy—being of service in the collective, fulfilling your Dharma, soul mission, and purpose.

      There’s wisdom, insight, and light codes being revealed about this. So, breathe, clear your mind, open your heart, and allow that insight to reach you.

      3. Move On from the Old and Step into the New: The third thing about this full moon energy is that there is this accelerated energy—this influx of cosmic light, life force energy, creativity, and motivation arising. Tap into it, cultivate it.

      It’s time to move on from the old paradigm, patterns, habits, and perspectives. Let this full moon be a turning point for you, where you step into the new—the new you, the new way of being, the new possibility available to you in your life.

      It’s here now, and it’s on the other side of your taking steps in alignment with love, in alignment with inspiration, to jump into what excites you, what you’re curious about, to take that next step.

      Know that you’re never going to be able to see the entire map laid out before you, but when you get a glimpse of that North Star, that big vision, and then get an inspiration of a little step you can take now—maybe it’s to dive into a course of study, read a book, make a piece of content, bake something—whatever it is, take that little step with awareness, and then the next step will appear.

      Know that in this accelerated phase of light pouring in, there’s a tremendous opportunity for growth, for manifestation, and for really shifting out of the old and into the new—into the new possibility, the divine blessings, the light and radiance that is available to you.

      4. Release What No Longer Serves You: The fourth thing about this full moon energy—that’s sort of the other side of number three—is that it’s time to move on and let go of what’s no longer serving you.

      Step into the new and let go of the old. The full moon energy has a way of illuminating what has been suppressed or buried in the shadow. There may be stuff coming up—old programs, patterns, or residues of suppressed negative energy.

      Welcome it with awareness and then be willing to let it go. Know that when you become aware of a lower vibrational quality in your field—like, let’s say, pine cone represents doubt—being aware of it is an incredible blessing. It allows you to transform and transmute it in order to live in greater harmony and alignment with your soul’s truth.

      Now that you’re aware of doubt in your field, you can look at it, accept it, acknowledge it, and then very consciously think it, transmute it, and let it go. But what a lot of people do is recognize there’s doubt and hold on to it, squeezing it, leaning into it.

      As you might imagine, squeezing a pine cone—or squeezing a quality of doubt—kind of hurts. It’s not comfortable. On the other hand, we can just let go, release, and return to presence. Return to center, ground in nature, and lean into self-care and self-love—the things that nourish and support you in staying centered.

      When you notice your vibration drops, acknowledge it, accept it, transmute the pattern behind it, and return to love and presence. This will help you receive the guidance, insight, and inspiration needed to step into the new, empowered, and inspired version of yourself.

        5. Transform Your Relationships and Align with Community: We’re being prompted by the infinite to look at how we relate to other people, our community, and ourselves. What patterns, insecurities, or outdated ways of relating to the world, to others, to relationships, to communities, or to yourself are still playing out?

        These may come up for review. Awareness and a willingness to look at what’s still there will help you welcome it and then transmute and transform it in a way that will serve you. Working with the Violet Flame is powerful, but also, simply looking at something with presence and a certain level of awareness empowers it to shift.

        On the other hand, if you find yourself stuck in fear, doubt, insecurity, or blaming someone else for your situation, notice this and recognize the limitation of this pattern. In those moments, you have the opportunity to step into the new by clearing and shifting those patterns.

        Pay attention to who is coming into your sphere, your life, and how you’re being invited to change and transform your relationships. With this full moon energy, take the opportunity to heal and reframe how you relate to yourself, to others, and to the collective community. Set new intentions around your relationships and clear away what’s no longer serving you.

          Full Moon Manifestation Ritual

          1. Cleansing and Purification: Use sage or palo santo to cleanse your space, room, and yourself. This way, you can clear negative energy, making room for positive intentions.

          You can use salt water for a bath. Sea salt would be better for this. Visualize that water washing away your fears, doubts, and negative energy, and refreshing you to receive new blessings.

          1. Gratitude: Write down 20 gratitude affirmations for which you are grateful. It could be 20, 10, or however many you feel like. Expressing gratitude increases your vibrations, making manifestation easier. Gratitude is an essential tool for manifesting, no matter what method you use.
          1. Setting Intentions: On the page, write 3 things you want to manifest. Be clear and use the present tense as if the desire has already manifested. For example: “I am grateful for the financial abundance flowing into my life.”
          1. Visualization and Meditation: Sit in a quiet space and meditate on your intentions. Close your eyes and visualize your desires as already manifested. Imagine how you’ll feel, what you’ll see, and who you’ll be when your intentions come true. Allow yourself to feel those emotions deeply during this time.
          1. Moon Water Ritual: Place a glass or any container with water under the moonlight so it can absorb the energy of the moon. The next day, use the water for drinking, watering plants, or cleansing your space. Adjust the amount of water you place under the moonlight according to how much you plan to use.
          1. Affirmations and Mantras: Make positive statements that match what you want. For instance, if you want more wealth, say: “I welcome endless wealth.” Recite these statements while it’s dark outside, allowing the moon’s energy to strengthen your words.
          1. Crystal Charging: Keep your crystals outside where they can absorb the moon’s energy. Crystals like clear quartz, moonstone, and citrine are great for manifestation. Make sure to bring them inside before sunrise to prevent them from soaking up the sunlight, which is the opposite of moonlight.
          1. Burning Ritual: Write down your goals and then safely burn the paper to symbolically send them to the universe. Imagine the smoke carrying your wishes to space.
          1. Release and Letting Go: Think about any beliefs or feelings that are stopping you. Write them down, and then tear or burn the paper to show you’re letting go. This helps make room for your new goals.

          Final Tip: Consistency is Key

          Perform your rituals regularly before and after the full moon. The energy is strongest then and for a few days. Keep focused on your goals by being thankful, imagining success, and repeating positive statements every day.

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