7 Powerful Manifestation Methods to Achieve Success and Manifest Your Dreams

Illustration of a girl meditating with text highlighting various manifestation methods.

If you’re looking to understand manifestation methods, there are many, but today we will talk about very simple methods that anyone can use.

Read through all the methods, then choose the one that you feel works for you.

With these methods, you not only achieve your goal, but you can also attract abundance, manifest love, and even manifest a specific person.

1. Visualisation to Achieve Your Goals

Visualization is an essential part of the manifestation process as it helps to focus and project the visuals of the desired goals.

This allows one to be in a more positive mindset, which will help attract and draw the desired outcome closer.

However, it’s also important to take actionable steps towards achieving those goals.

Simply visualizing them won’t be enough to bring them to fruition. 

With the combination of visualization and effort, one can create their reality.

How to Practice Visualization

  1. Be clear about what you want.
  1. Visualise it. I don’t mean just a fleeting thought or a vague daydream, but a vivid, detailed, immersive visualization.
  1. Close your eyes and see it, feel it, experience it as if it’s happening right now.

Remember, it’s not necessary to close your eyes; you can visualize whenever and however you like.

2. Affirmations for Manifestation

You hear the word “affirmation” so often when it comes to happiness, mental health, and well-being, but what is an affirmation exactly?

An affirmation is a positive statement that you consciously repeat to yourself to influence your thoughts and beliefs. It’s a technique often used in practices like positive psychology and self-help to promote self-confidence, self-esteem, and a more optimistic outlook on life.

In the future, by repeating affirmations regularly, you will replace negative or self-limiting thoughts with constructive and empowering ones.

Affirmations can cover a wide range of topics, from self-appreciation and personal growth to achieving specific goals or overcoming challenges.

By consistently focusing on and repeating these positive statements, you can gradually reshape your subconscious beliefs, leading to more positive behaviors, attitudes, and outcomes in your life.

How to Practice Affirmations Daily

  1. Identify which goal you want to achieve or areas you want to improve.
  1. Start your affirmation with “I am,” “I can,” or “I will” and in present tense.
  1. You can write your affirmation or you can just speak it.
  1. Practice daily.
  1. Visualise and feel the affirmation as if it’s already true.

Examples of Powerful Affirmations

  • I am strong.
  • I am feeling great.
  • I am grateful for my job.
  • I am healthy.
  • I believe in myself and my abilities.
  • I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.

3. Gratitude as a Manifestation Method

Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to manifest more in your life. Why is gratitude so powerful? Why does it bring more abundance to us? Let’s explain why.

Everything in this universe or reality we live in is vibration. Everything you see, hear, or touch is a vibration in and of its own. Gratitude is a vibration.

When you give off gratitude, you emit the vibration of having something; you feel complete. You feel it’s there, even sometimes when it’s not.

How to Practice Daily Gratitude

How can we harness the power of gratitude and manifest what we want in our lives? How can we take this energy and turn it into a manifestation in our physical world?

Start by looking around wherever you are and see what you see. First off, let’s be grateful that you can see; it’s amazing, isn’t it? Imagine life without it. Scary, right?

Write gratitude for three to four things like family, health, education, and food; it could be anything. Then, in the last one, write the thing you want to achieve.


  • I am grateful for the most loving family I have.
  • I am grateful for a healthy body.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to receive an education.
  • I am grateful for having access to nourishing food.

After two to three things, write the thing you want to achieve:

  • I am grateful for my desired job.

Write it in this sequence. The reason is that when you show gratitude for those things you already have, your life’s precious things, you will feel happiness; you will shift into acceptance and receiving mode.

 In this state, you need to manifest anything. When you write gratitude in this state, then your mind will accept it faster.

A good practice is to do this right when you wake up. You prime your day with gratitude. Lay there for two to three minutes and just soak in your life, the good of life. 

Instead of looking at the bad stuff like the work that you have to get up for or something else, try to force yourself to look at the things you can be happy and grateful for. Feel it emotionally.

Alternatively, you can do this at night; that time is great for impressing the subconscious mind.

4. Scripting to Manifest Your Desires

Scripting is a manifestation method where you can manifest things by writing as if they have already occurred.

How to Script Effectively

What is your desire? Script it as if you already have your desire. Imagine having your desire.

What does it feel like? What would you do? Who would you call? Who would you speak to? What actions would you take? What are the things that you, with your current personality, would do with your desire? That’s how you script.

  1. Pick things or goals that you want to achieve.
  1. You must believe they are possible.
  1. Write it down as if it’s already happened in the present tense.
  1. Write how you’d like to have it.

Example of a Scripting Journal Entry

Thank you, God, I have three sources of income. I am on vacation to Paris. I am happy.

5. Using a Vision Board for Manifestation

Vision board manifestation is keeping your goal in front of your eyes.

A vision board could be a collection of images or words that inspire you to take action to achieve the goal you want to achieve, and that’s why you make a vision board. 

By regularly viewing your vision board, you stay focused on your goals and are reminded of what’s important to you.

How to Create a Vision Board

While making a vision board, keep in mind that it’s not for a college or school project, nor is it for someone else.

It’s just for you, so don’t worry or try to make it perfect. Relax and enjoy the process without stressing about perfection.

  1. First, be clear about your goal or the thing that you want to achieve.
  1. Gather materials like poster board, corkboard, images, glue, scissors, and any other decorative elements you want to include.
  1. Search for words and phrases related to your goal, or you can write your own.
  1. Cut out images and words. Start arranging them on the board just the way you like. If you don’t have any ideas, you can search for inspiration.
  1. Glue images and words to the board.
  1. Hang the vision board where you will see it regularly.

You can also make a vision board online using free Canva templates. Additionally, set it as the wallpaper on your laptop or phone so you can see it every time you use it.

This is a convenient way to keep your vision board with you wherever you go, serving as a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

6. The Pillow Method for Manifesting

One of the easiest manifestation methods is the pillow method.

The pillow method is perfect for those who struggle with visualization or feeling emotions because it requires only a few minutes before going to sleep at night.

Simply put something under your pillow and go to sleep; it’s as simple as that.

This technique was made famous by Neville Goddard and is very powerful. 

How to Use the Pillow Method

  1. Take a sheet of paper, it could be a sticky note or anything else, and write your desire on one side.
  1. On the back, write “it’s finished” or express it in the present tense as if it’s happening right now. That’s all there is to it.
  1. When you go to bed at night, simply slide this underneath your pillow and go to sleep.

Why the Pillow Method Works

Even if you’re not closing your eyes to feel it, your subconscious mind knows that this is under your pillow, that this has happened, that it is finished, that there’s nothing more to do, that it has taken place.

What you might notice as you go to sleep, what a lot of people do, is they’ll start having dreams about their manifestation being done.

They’ll start having dreams about it, or some people have gone to say they didn’t have dreams but they had some of the best sleep they’ve ever had in their life because they were no longer thinking of their manifestation.

Their subconscious mind knows that it’s finished, that it’s done, that there’s nothing more to do. Then, as you wake up in the morning, go through your day as normal.

Don’t try to do anything different, don’t try to do anything special. Allow the powers of the universe to work in your favor to create what it is that you have put under your pillow, to create what it is that you’ve done in this exercise.

Do this for seven nights in a row and watch the results that take place. This will supercharge your manifestations, this will make them come faster than ever before.

Again, you don’t have to do any visualizing, you don’t have to feel; this is doing enough. Look at it, read it, it’s finished. Take a breath, put it on your pillow, and go to sleep.

Your subconscious mind will do all the work for you, the universe, the higher self, God, whatever your word is, will start creating this in your life, in your everyday life, because you’ve done this exercise.

That’s the power of your subconscious mind, that’s the power that you have, and that is the power of the universe working in your favor to create what you want.

When I thought it was ridiculous, I thought, “Why not give it a shot?” So, I wrote down something I wanted to achieve. Three months later, I had achieved it.

7. The 369 Manifestation Method

This technique is one of the methods of the Law of Attraction. Through positive repetition, you can make any wish come true; anything you want in your life, you can attract.

The 369 technique was invented in the 19th Century by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. We already know Tesla as the inventor of Radio, AC, and Remote control, but this technique was not so famous for an obvious reason: we humans don’t value things that are not visible.

It is impossible to understand everything and the secret of the universe. The important thing is to use those secrets to fulfill our wishes. We need to have full faith; only then will we be able to see beyond a limit, and after breaking every threshold, by taking a leap of faith, we can achieve every goal in our life; only then will our life change.

Tesla explains the technique: when we study the circles, we know 360 degrees of a circle; as many times we divide the circle, we only get 3, 6, or 9.

When we take out one-quarter of a circle, then also we get a 90-degree angle; now the quarter is a multiple of 3, 6, and 9. The rest three quarters are 270 degrees, which are multiples of 3, 6, and 9.

With these examples, we clearly understand what Tesla wants to teach us. It was clear in his next inventions that 3-6-9 is very important for our nature.

After decoding this pattern, Tesla said, “If you understand the power of 3-6-9, you will be able to open the Secret Door of the Universe, and your life will change easily; you will get everything you want in your life.”

How to Use the 369 Method

  1. A clear wish is already half fulfilled.
  1. Affirm that your wish is granted and express deep gratitude.
  1. Every morning, write your wishes three times.
  1. Visualize it and feel it while writing.
  1. Start seeing your wishes as already a reality and notice the changes around you. For example, if your wish is to alleviate stress and be happy, then write: “I am very happy and very good. Thank you.”
  1. In the afternoon, write the same wish six times in the same manner as you did in the morning.
  1. At night, write your wish nine times with the same feelings of gratitude.
  1. Repeat this cycle daily for 45 days with unwavering faith.


Manifestation methods are powerful tools for aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our goals. For all methods, one thing is important: clarity about your goal. Because if you don’t know what your goal is, what are you manifesting for? Each method provides a unique pathway to manifesting our dreams into reality.

Which manifestation method is best?

The best manifestation method depends on your personal preferences, beliefs, and goals. Just like some people can visualize easily while others find it difficult, you may find that a combination of these methods works best for you, or you may be drawn to one particular approach.

Key Takeaways for Successful Manifesting

These techniques work best when we make them a part of our everyday lives, weaving them into our routines with passion and dedication. It’s about believing in ourselves, staying positive, and taking small steps toward our dreams every day.

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