Scripting manifestation: Achieve your goals just by writing

Scripting manifestation: Achieve your goals just by writing

What is Scripting Manifestation?

What is Scripting Manifestation?

Scripting is the art of writing your future as though it has already happened. Scripting is the way that you desire something but write it and believe it as though it's already yours.

According to research, when we write down our goals, the chances of their successful achievement increase by 1.4 times. This is because writing gives our minds a clearer and better picture of our goals.

 6 Steps to Manifesting Your Desires through Scripting

Be Specific About What You Want. The more specific you are, the better it is for manifestation.


You need to find a positive, peaceful environment for scripting.


Write what you want to manifest in the past tense as if it has already happened.


The more emotions and senses you use, the more your mind and body will feel those emotions and vibrate at the frequency of your desire.


It’s up to you whether you want to do scripting daily or write it once and read it every night before sleeping and every morning after waking up.


Get rid of blockages and negative thoughts. These thoughts are stored in our subconscious mind.